Friday, January 9, 2009

exam, tour with Javier...Hernan shares his love for Don Quijote

Woke up early to take our exams...100 multiple choice and a letter in an hour...yea no biggie. After that Javier, one of the professors, gave us a tour of Alcala. best tour guide eveeeerrrrr! he kinda reminded me of the bat in the disney movie Anastasia!!! really funny and nice and he showed us all the historical sites in Alcala. After the tour, I went and had a 3 course meal with wine for 8.95 euros! bargain!!! The food was great and Emily got sepia...which is literally "cuddle fish" so after our snuggle fest the day before we just couldn't resist buying it! Then we had our class with our resident director. The class started with one of the spanish professors at Alcalingua who was really animated and funny and had the whole class laughing and excited for our semester. He specifically said that he was not one of those teachers that could just stand and lecture to a class...we all found this to be especially funny because only moments after he left, our resident director began to lecture us about cervantes/history/don quijote/how every book was a rip off of the plotline or themes in don quijote/how none of us had a respect for complex literature...and best ofall it was all from a seated position...didn't even stand! awesome! going to be a great semester! so on top of all that he told us that we are going to read all of don quijote...something that most people studying spanish do to earn a masters... so we are needless to say laughing at our luck at this point. He ends the class telling us that we have to find Don Quijote in a certain edition by a specific editor...and after looking in multiple book stores we were able to locate 9 copies for our class of 14! score! off to a great start!

When we got back, I ate some pastaaaaaaa with Dave, Navid, Emily and Kristen and we played Egyptian ratscrew and BS like 5th graders and it was grrrrrrrrrreat.


  1. Great blog, Bubby, but Mamma Mia May Eye still misses you bunches, my little Cuddle Fish!
    Lady of Spain, I adore you
    Right from the night I first saw you
    My heart has been yearning for you
    What else could any heart do?

  2. Wow... I haven't even read Quijote yet... If I may ask, what edition and what editor? I doubt I'll be able to find it if you could only find 9 in Alcalá, but hey...

  3. Hola Bobo Bellisimo, this is a great service you are providing us state-bound peops, who are missing you so much and also living vicariously through you as you navigate these fun but frustrating daily adventures!! it sounds like you are just having a blast, and this is just how I hoped it would be for you- a crazy adventure full of little challenges, great culture, and lots of laughs. Alcala sounds beautiful. we miss you. Joe is going to sign up too- so keep up the good blog! love, Papasina
